The course is labeled as an internationalization course of the Department of Geography, Faculty of Education, University of South Bohemia. It provides basic knowledge about the regional geography of the Czech Republic. The course is focused on the mutual cooperation of Czech and foreign students. It is based on a synthetic approach to the regional geography of the Czech Republic and its basic administrative units (14 regions, in czech "kraj"). We will use a critical approach to the study of the regions - the result is to understand regions within their complexity. The course will use current knowledge of the Czech territorial organization and its deepening. Each region of the Czech Republic will be introduced by the lecturers (basic physical and human geographical features). Subsequent parts will process the specifics of individual regions, including their current development problems in the form of student projects and essays. They will be presented in the final part of the course in the form of public presentation and discussion.
- Course creator: Stanislav Kraft
Kurz zaměřený především na webový GIS. Platforma ArcGIS a její aplikace WebMap, StoryMap, Collector a SUrvey123
- Course creator: Vojtěch Blažek
Studenti by měli pochytit základní informace týkající se geografických informačních systémů a umět je aplikovat v praxi.
- Course creator: Jan Dvořák
- Course creator: Stanislav Kraft
- Teacher: Jiří Kopecký
- Teacher: Vladimíra Petrášková
- Teacher: Dagmar Popjakova
- Teacher: Petr Přibyl
- Teacher: Jaroslava Tomková